Sharpening focus to meet customer needs

Acoustic consultant Mathias Haase sheds light on on the little-known world of noise predictions and simulations, and explains why NNE was just the place when he was looking to specialize further in his field.

 In a nutshell, my job consists of two elements. The first involves making acoustic predictions during the design phases of a project to ensure optimal acoustics in a facility before construction begins. The second component involves designing or optimizing noise-mitigating solutions in existing facilities. In both scenarios, my work is about helping our customers understand how the acoustics of a facility might sound in real life.

Designing a world-class production facility is, in my eyes, just as much about creating an attractive workplace for the facility’s employees as it is about bringing pharmaceutical products to market. If a facility has unnecessary noise that is stressful for the people working there, it will lower their productivity and the quality of their working lives. I enjoy knowing that I’m helping our customers ensure a better workplace for their employees.

To me, being closer to the customer isn’t just about understanding a customer’s needs, but about communicating technical data in an understandable way. In popular culture, noise is often explained by comparing decibel levels to very subjective references, like a refrigerator or vacuum cleaner. Part of my job is to translate that into something more comprehensible, so our customers know exactly how those numbers will play out in their employees’ working lives.

Although I’ve worked with acoustics for several years, the high level of focus here was what initially drew me to NNE. I had worked at more general engineering companies before, but was looking for a place where I could zero in on a specific field and set of customers. I’m part of a large health, safety and environment department with a range of experts in different fields, and I appreciate that we are all diverse, but very specialized at the same time. While I work on acoustics, my colleagues across the hall are working on the same project – just in a very different technical field than mine.


  • Mathias has a B.Sc. in civil engineering from the Technical University of Denmark
  • He joined NNE in 2015
  • He has eight years of experience within noise, acoustics and engineering

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